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Daisy's makeover...

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:55 am
by GavinHuart
Absolutely thrilled to announce that the decision has been made to have dear old Daisy (my bug Daisy, not Fig's bus Daisy :lol: ) resprayed and jazzed up a bit!

Now before you all start foaming at the mouth in anticipation ( :lol: ), this ain't going to be one of those picture-heavy threads. The reason being is that I haven't the space to do the job myself and document it all as I go along. I'm taking the easy way out and doing a bit of a cheque-book jazz-up :wink: .

I've always wanted to have the paint-work seen to as the previous respray, instigated by the previous owner some 15 years ago, was a little shoddy to start with. I've had the car for about three years and have spent many-an-hour polishing and buffing to get her looking presentable. It's now time to protect that old metal and have her looking her absolute best for many more years to come!

I had to go to Volkspares in Jetpark to get a new accelerator cable on Saturday and happened upon a spectacularly restored 1962 Beetle in their shop. I questioned the very helpful lady across the counter and she filled me in. The car has been done two-toned (egg-shell white and a very interesting green) and has been flawlessly done at that! All rubbers are new, interior new etc.

It turns out a man by the name of Joggie is responsible for it's glorious luster so his number I rang there and then. Volkspares have quoted me on all the rubbers I'll need so the order will be placed this week and all being well, Joggie should have the car by next weekend.

Below are some pictures of Daisy as she is. Initially I'd said that I fancy the same egg-shell white but a few days of pondering has thrown me to the opposite end of the scale: ...........

High-gloss BLACK! I haven't spoken to Joggie again about but that's what I am leaning towards now. All chrome trim will be as is now including all window beading. Enough people have told me that it's a hell of a mission to reinstall the original beading onto the new (beading correct) rubbers but that's something I'm hoping Joggie can help with. The interior is going to stay as is for now (seats and door cards). I am planning on photoshopping a few images to see just how well the black paint will go with the white and blue interior. Should it look a mess, I'll have to have the lot re-upholstered in time (It'll be a pity though as the seats and door cards are in pristine condition).

Wheel rims will be harlequin (period correct black and white) and I fancy them whitewall inserts! :hangloose:

Have a squiz at the pics and rattle off any opinions or suggestions.

Re: Daisy's makeover...

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:49 am
by Goosebeak

Just my humble two (Zim) cents-worth: stick with the original colour. If you change the colour, without going the whole 'strip everything down to bare metal, acid-dip it, primer it, and paint it, then refit it all, rewire the beast, upholster everything, and sell your house to pay for the whole job' route, you will always find some little place somewhere that shows the original colour. You'll move a wire, or realign a fuse-box, or fit a new bolt on the petrol tank - some small little thing - and there the original colour will be.
But if you go with the original colour, high-quality finish and all, what you'll end up with is a close-to-perfect example of her breed - and even where there is a little 'miss' or something, she'll still look good.

Use it, lose it... I've been down that road myself... hence my comment.

Best of British, whichever way you choose to go, though! She looks good!

Re: Daisy's makeover...

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:09 pm
by GavinHuart
Thanks for the very valuable feedback Goosebeak. I completely understand and agree with everything you've said. From what I saw of the example '62 standing at Volkspares, I can only presume that the: 'strip everything down to bare metal, acid-dip it, primer it, and paint it, then refit it all...' is the route that Joggie takes. He mentioned needing the car for at least a month, if not more. With that said, I can only presume he strips it right down. I have given him a tinkle and am waiting on a call-back to confirm all the details.

The car was originally Sea Blue (I have the original radio plate and have moved a wire or two and seen it's original colour :wink: - see attached) so it's been colour-changed already. Admittedly, the off-white looks amazing, especially with the white/blue interior. Initially my immediate intention was to go for the same white of the one on the floor. Then I thought about the original blue.... Now I'm on the black. All it takes to completely throw you is to Google a couple of images of restored classic Beetles and you're back to square one as there are so many stunning colours out there :roll: . What I have as a barometer is the interior which still looks great. I can't respray it red or green or yellow or anything along those lines with a blue and white interior :? .

Nothing is cast in stone, so upon hearing from Joggie and getting valued feedback from anyone interested, the final decision can be made.

Keep the info coming :hangloose:

Re: Daisy's makeover...

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:34 pm
by riaanj
I tend to agree with Goosebeak, unless you want to spend a lot of time and $$$ on her and do it right, ie. total stripdown and full bare metal respray..
Good luck and keep us posted please..

Re: Daisy's makeover...

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:08 pm
by GavinHuart
Right! I have spoken to Joggie and he has confirmed what I expected above and that is that the car gets a FULL strip down and rebuild! :D I asked how he felt about a colour change and he's said that 90% of the cars he does are a complete color change. I then asked how he felt about respraying black and he said it looks amazing but a couple of the cars he's done black have come back for a full respray in a different colour ( :shock: ) as they show the dirt and scratches way too easily. Point taken, but a colleague of mine just mentioned to me that he's never seen a car of mine either dirty or scratched, ever! (Nice compliment :D ).

Opinions are coming in far and wide from the folk at work. A lot like the original blue, but the bad-asses like the black :evil: ! Have a look at the photoshopped pics below. The question is does the interior work with the black?
I've also attached some examples of magnificence from the net...

Re: Daisy's makeover...

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:14 pm
dude. Sea Blue the whole way man!
Black beetles are cool, but they do not look all that wow if they are standard.
most black beetles I have seen have been customised ones.

colours like those blues are perfect for the car, any colour in that range suits it best in my opinion.

I am tossing up a blue like what you selected for my car as well as a light pale green colour.

just my 5c dude

but i love blue on a beetle so, i am biased

Re: Daisy's makeover...

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:22 pm
by GavinHuart
Thanks Mince! And don't get me started on green! :roll: That could quite easily take pole position but I have to restrain myself! (Check out the attached green one :lol:)

Re: Daisy's makeover...

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:45 pm


Re: Daisy's makeover...

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:04 pm
by Blitzkrieg
A Black Beetle looks KDF cool, so black gets my vote :)

Re: Daisy's makeover...

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:56 pm
by karmakoma
1. Black
2. Black
3. Polar Silver
4. Sea Blue
5. Gulf Blue
6. Yellow or Red if it's an SP :-)
7. Off White
8. Early Bay Green (don't know the real name)

Re: Daisy's makeover...

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:46 am
by GavinHuart
Brief update, and a quick thanks to all who offered suggestions, the decision has been made and ..... *drum-roll please*.... black it's going to be! The blue is awesome, green is equally as, in fact pretty much any colour would be fantastic but I've always had a thing for a black bug :hangloose: . High-gloss, all chrome, cream and black rims.... :D I like!

I've ordered all the necessary from Volkspares and the stuff they had ready for me on Saturday I collected and took to Joggie with the car. I might add that I left Volkspares a couple of items heavier than I'd initially planned but hey, needs must :wink: . The extras are: a complete back, sides and top Empi roof lining in black :hangloose: and a charcoal carpet set, front to back including the doggy-box :hangloose: .

Joggie has some amazing cars there and I have every confidence in him. He has a lot of work on the go at the moment so this is a "no rush" operation. I have also asked of his opinion on the current interior pairing up with the black paint and he's in agreement that it won't work. I have a couple of options in mind for the upholstery and door cards so I'll update as soon as I get to a verdict.

Oh, he's asked for my email address so he can send pics of the progress :D Super excited!

Re: Daisy's makeover...

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:56 pm
by riaanj
Gulf Blue all the way brother.. its a really lekker colour.. :deflag:

Re: Daisy's makeover...

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:54 am
by GavinHuart
Hi all,

Well, after quite some time, I rang Joggie this past Monday to see how things are going. As I said before, this was a 'no-rush' deal so I'm not in any hurry - I have the Panel to sort out too in the interim so that's keeping me busy :lol: . The Panel, incidentally, will be going to Pierre this weekend for paint, should all go to plan. Lot's going on :D .

Much to my surprise, Daisy has been stripped and sanded :D . Joggie sent me a few pics of her after her many weeks of waiting for her paint job. Can anyone say "dirty"? :lol:
Also, for now, there are just a couple of pics where some bits are stripped off. I should be receiving more of the progress as he has chance to upload.

As for the interior, we chatted briefly about it on the phone and have tentatively agreed upon cream seats and door-cards coupled with black piping/trim. Certainly sounds the biz to me ;)

I'll keep updating as we go along.

Re: Daisy's makeover...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:39 pm
by GavinHuart
Meanwhile at Joggie's...

Re: Daisy's makeover...

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:40 pm
by GavinHuart