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Crash test Beetle commercial

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:04 pm
by Dutch_Diver

Re: Crash test Beetle commercial

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:19 pm
by Donovan D
That video reminds me of a misery day for my friend and his beetle,It was a rainy day we were driving on the N1 on the fast lane, and all of a suddon his left front light disconected and rolled off, it took the off ramp towards ratanga junction perfectly, as he was changing lanes to stop and collect the light the bonnet blew up, we could not see a damn thing, luckily he had no radio and we could see straight through the radio hole,. after shi^&ing in our pants we managed to pull over to rectify and collect.
A trafic cop stopped behind us, the guy was behind us for a while and saw everything. We thought thats it here comes a big fine. The guy was friendly and laughed about it asking if he should phone us a tow truck. We collected the light and then tied the bonnet with some rope.
He bought another one, go figure, He rented it out in Wellington to the college kids. But as far as Im aware he sold everything including the Auto-spa he's car wash in Wellington.