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URGENTLY NEEDED: Beetle Mechanic in Kimberley

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:24 pm
by OD_1
Hi All.

I stay in Cape Town and my beelte is currently stranded in Kimberley. If anyone knows of a reputable beelte mechanic in the Kimberley area please let me know.

The Beetle drove nicely from JHB to kimberley and then got stranded there due to what to me seems like an accelerator cable issue... I only trust the dying breed of beetle specialists, not general mechanics...

Please any help would be very much appreciated...

Re: URGENTLY NEEDED: Beetle Mechanic in Kimberley

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:56 pm
by bugspray
:hangloose: awesome stuff bud (well not the breakdown) glad to know you made it that far. AND HOPE YOU ARE LOGGING THE TRIP FOR US!

The acc cable snapping is a normal thing, its the first thing that broke on my bug just like you, the day I was driving it home. And I got a general mech to sort it out, its not really brain surgery.
Ask around in KBY, surely a mech with a full tool box could help you.

Re: URGENTLY NEEDED: Beetle Mechanic in Kimberley

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:10 pm
by OD_1
Thanks dude... I'm trying my best to keep as much statistics as possible... will try and compile it once the mission is over.

It felt great drivin the beetle on the open road! It was my dream come true!

Cant wait to get her back to Cape Town so we can start living happily ever after...

I'm gonna drive around Kimberley tommorow with my cousin and try and find either someone with a bug to ask about mechanics or to find a reputable mechanic. I've seen a couple of nice looking bugs here... I'm sure someone has to be clued up on aircooleds.

The problem started with an accelerator cable this morning... i took it to a general mechanic and it came back with a burnt out distributor and now it cant start at all... I explained to the mechnic over and over that the cars alternator or charger was busted so i push start it... it worked everytime... the fool however got fixated on making the beetle start and somehow i believe did more damage. Now it wont start at all and it never started with him because befor he tried to kick start it he started tampering with the battery, removing the filter and dissesembling the distributor...

I just dont trust him... especially after the good people at Beetle Beauties in JHB worked on it.. I could see the difference in a beetle mechanics touch and general problem solving capabilties and experience versus a general mechanic working on a bug.

This guy had the audacity to tell me the car would'nt be able to go a mile... HE DID"NT KNOW THAT I DROVE IT FROM JHB TO KIMBERLEY THE DAY BEFORE!!! Plus this morning the car was idling with no sign of stopping and reving great when i pulled the accelerator valve... just backfired and cut-out when i pushed the accelerator peddle...

Will keep you posted...