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Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:50 am
by vwluvrs
Is there a good resource for SA manufacturing numbers? Old dealer locations, stashes of old parts or Junk Yards?
One old tale is that all VW's in SA were knock downs, manufactured elsewhere in the world, shipped to and assembled n SA? True or false?

Is daar 'n goeie hulpbron vir Suid-Afrikaanse produksie getalle? Ou handelaar plekke, stashes van die ou items of Junk Yards?
Een ou verhaal is dat alle VW's in SA was klop downs, vervaardig elders in die wêreld, gestuur word na en versamel n SA? Waar of onwaar?

Re: Info

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:15 am
by fig
Good Afrikaans vwluvrs ... not too many Americans with that skill! :hangloose:

VWSA destroyed all its archival records, so it knows almost nothing about its own past production. The company now has a local historian on retainer to recover its corporate memory :roll: .

It's true that AVWs were imported CKD and assembled here, although there was always some locally manufactured content. In the early days this involved locally manufactured glass, tyres and batteries; by the 1980s, locally manufactured content was 66% by weight.

Re: Info

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:57 pm
by vwluvrs
Dankie vir jou antwoord Fig. Ek probeer getalle op te kry SA VW's vir 'n moontlike projek. Ek oorweeg werk vir 'n Missies Groep en een van die maniere waarop ek met my vaardighede te sien is om die mense te leer hoe om weer op te bou (weer) VWS vir persoonlike gebruik, en te befonds die projek te help. Kan jy my vertel as daar ouer VW's aan te koop wees in en om JHB en Lanseria vir daardie doel? Ook, wat kan ek verwag dat hulle omstandighede te wees? Ek weet dit hang alles af van waar en wie jy koop, net soos hier in die VSA ..

Thanks Fig for your response. I am trying to get figures on SA VW's for a potential project. I am considering working for a Missions Group and one of the ways I see using my skills is to teach the people how to rebuild (restore) vws for personal use, and to help fund the project. Can you tell me if there are older VW's to be purchased in and around JHB and Lanseria for that purpose? Also, what can I expect their conditions to be? I know it all depends on where and who you buy from, just like here in the States..

Re: Info

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:53 am
by fig
Good intentions, but I don't think you'll find much demand. While there are still lots of ACVWs on the road, they are fast leaving the realm of cheap transport and increasingly being recognised for what they are: classic cars.

I think that, for most people needing the ministrations of missionaries in Africa, a car, even a cheap one, is way down the needs pyramid. Most of the people you'll be dealing with will be more concerned with:

1. Daily bread
2. Shelter
3. Clothing
4. HIV/Aids treatment

Old cars may be useful for item 2, but I'll bet that's where the interest ends.