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Project RESSURECTION - The tale of an injured 930T

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 4:04 pm
by MartijnR
As most of you don’t know, I work for a company called Café9 Automotive. We specialise on any and all 911,986,987 and Cayenne Porsches. We do anything from the smallest day to day upkeep, to the more exciting Performance Upgrades, restorations and Tuning. Now, sometimes you tend to get a vehicle that has that sort of WOW factor to it. A vehicle that, taking today’s technology into account, still tugs at your nether regions if you are a true petrol head like I am. But, sometimes, no matter how much care is taken, Murphy still manages to hitch a ride, and chaos ensues. As the Pictures below will show you. Seeing as this vehicle was bought from us, with the new owner intending to track it, it should go without saying, that we were summoned upon to restore her to her former glory. Cue Pictures:

What she started off as, a slightly tweaked 911 Porsche 930T :

What she ended up as, after having a date with Turn 3’s wall at Killarney.

And, after some love, blood, sweat, tears, body panels (Changed most to FB units – Weight reduction FTW) and more sweat, this is the progress so far:


Now please keep in mind, she is faaaaaar from being finished! Engine & box still to be fitted, lights and also, we decided, seeing as her sole purpose is to be a racer, her windows will be replaced with Plexan bits ala Herbie Fully Loaded (Not exactly, but just go with me on this one!)
More pictures and updates to follow as we progress.


Re: Project RESSURECTION - The tale of an injured 930T

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:22 pm
by Sambabus
Beautiful, but im sad she was crashed

Re: Project RESSURECTION - The tale of an injured 930T

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:58 pm
by Harry Jones
Looking good Martin ! please keep us posted with pics of the repair ! ....some serious work has been done there, the back end
looks like it took a big knock

Re: Project RESSURECTION - The tale of an injured 930T

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:27 pm
by riaanj
That was sad to see, good work on the repair work though.. :hangloose:

Re: Project RESSURECTION - The tale of an injured 930T

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:06 am
by MartijnR
riaanj wrote:Ouch!
That was sad to see, good work on the repair work though.. :hangloose:
Thanks good sir, she will be even better when done!
Harry Jones wrote:Looking good Martin ! please keep us posted with pics of the repair ! ....some serious work has been done there, the back end
looks like it took a big knock
Yeah, the back end took the Majority of the force, luckily not too much structural damage. Some 'jigging' and she was straight as an arrow, a new right hand control arm and a new rear quarter panel, and she's like new!
Sambabus wrote:Beautiful, but im sad she was crashed
It was sad to see her in that state, but she'll be her former glory soon!