This is a great find. How about we try to post pictures of original cars for the related colour code and maybe interior pics?
It could become quite picture heavy and some may post wrong colour cars......maybe should be broken down by year and suggest somebody to moderate the submissions.
Good idea Eugene. My hope is that people will add to this thread as required to expand our knowledge.
I hope to prevail on Gerhard to separately scan all the paint and upholstery swatches for better colour reproduction.
If I can ever make the time, I would like to recreate all these tables in excel so we can convert them to html and they will be searchable. Maybe a bright young mind will offer to do it for us ...
Kaapse Kombi Kult
"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right." -- Henry Ford
If anyone wants any of these paint colours mixed, Gerhard can do it from the colour swatches, which are painted in the actual colour, and have not been exposed to light. I would expect he will charge a small fee for this. I am sure he will respond to this thread in due course.
Kaapse Kombi Kult
"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right." -- Henry Ford
This is such fantastic news man, how we have waited for this day, it's truly unbelievable that VWSA does'nt have this info, or their so-called museum ???
Thanks Gerhard for sharing this treasure and thanks Fig for posting it here, etc, etc
by fig » Mar 26, 2018
Sambas in South Africa are good for only 2 things: showing off and sunburn.
Blitzkrieg wrote: ↑Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:54 pm
Needs to be uploaded on TheSamba as well, to be saved for posterity...
If you check the pic urls, they are all loaded on thesamba. I don't plan to create a thread there though. Rather let those who want to know find their way here ...
Kaapse Kombi Kult
"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right." -- Henry Ford
fig wrote: ↑Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:04 pm.... My hope is that people will add to this thread as required to expand our knowledge.
I hope to prevail on Gerhard to separately scan all the paint and upholstery swatches for better colour reproduction.
If I can ever make the time, I would like to recreate all these tables in excel so we can convert them to html and they will be searchable. Maybe a bright young mind will offer to do it for us ...
So guys
If we get 15 guys or gals, to each pick a year, one person does not have to do all the work. I'll pick 1972, for no reason other than that somebody has to.....and maybe because I might have one
See this viewtopic.php?f=1&t=36644 and just announce yourself
This is so amazing to study this. Its so nice to confirm suspensions and doubts that anyone may have had with colour and interior combinations. Thanks for sharing these pics fig.
@Eugene. do you think it will be best to post pics of actually examples in different threads for each year model? I somewhat like the idea of having all them grouped together, but it may also become quite a mess with random postings all over the place?
@Moderators, is it not possible to group several threads of different year models together into one big thread in ascending year model order when sufficient examples / info is obtained from individual year models?
sean wrote: ↑Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:34 pm
@Eugene. do you think it will be best to post pics of actually examples in different threads for each year model? I somewhat like the idea of having all them grouped together, but it may also become quite a mess with random postings all over the place?
Hey Sean, so first of all, I did not want to clutter this post and as you noted, it may become hard to find anything if all is posted in a single thread. My idea is to have separate threads for all the years, purely to gather data. It can stay there but the overall idea is to then combine the input into a searchable database.
Surly the right thing would be a table with ... Colour Name- Colour Code - Garhards colour chip
Then below the table, we have only guys with POLISHED ORIGINAL PAINT that Has been verified by their Vin plate posted below, But only pictures, with Vin colour code and NO chatter.
Then the Mods can erase incorrect posts to keep the thread pure.
1952 Split Beetle 1835cc
1968 Fastback 2Lt.type4
1972 Low Light Bay Panel Van 2Lt type 4
1975 Fleetline Panel Van 1914cc
2020 MeFusco Beetle Truck 2Lt type 4
1972 FT Hahn SP 1776 cc
I agree with Herman. Maybe start with an Excel spreadsheet? I presume all we have is the "hard copy" and photos? I am willing to help in converting this to one or other electronic format
I've created a section for this topic under the resource library now. Please post any paint code posts in there .
Alan I'll enable uploading of Excel files and let you know.